Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Day Three..Yippee!

Today was our San Francisco City Tour. It was great! A four-hour coach tour of the complete city. Our guide was Nicole who is the OSC or On-Site Coordinator of ITMI. She is a wonderful tour guide and a great example for us to emulate. Most of us couldn't imagine being that knowledgable about the tours we will be leading. But she has done it many times and so has had lots of practice. San Francisco is a beautiful city with a rich history and seeing it with someone who had so much knowledge and a flair for description made it all the more fascinating.

To add to the color of the day we had an experience that demonstrated one of the concepts we had already learned...that is, that unexpected things happen on tour and part of the tour directors job is to figure out how to deal with them. We were heading for
the Golden Gate Park, when Al, the coach driver was making a hairpin turn on a narrow street and there was a car illegally parked on the right side at the curve. Most of the bus got thru but when Al realized he wasn't going to make it without taking out the back rear quarter of the car about 5 or six of my classmates got off the bus and literally picked up the car and moved it over about 6 inches so the bus could pass thru. I got out of the bus too, but not to pick up the take the picture!
It's one of those things that makes a trip even more memorable.

After lunch (seafood bisque in a sourdough breadbowl) at Pier 39,, the second half of the day was a repeat of the same tour, except Nicole sat this one out and we each took a turn in the tour guide's seat. The hardest thing about this was not knowing what the hell we were supposed to be describing. So there were some pretty funny improvisations. We were told that it wasn't as important that we didn't remember what to say but how we handled the microphone and moving around a moving bus without killing ourselves or the other passengers.
Well, I haven't been expelled from school yet so I guess I did ok.

After the tour was over, I went to Chinatown with Emily, one of my classmates from MI and then to a sushi restaurant to gain strength to make it back up the hill to do my homework.

More to come...


Anonymous said...

lolol...sounds like a fun day !!
Too bad you can't videotape some of the action....

By the way- this blog rocks !!! I really feel like I am there with you..(inside joke)...

anyway -
More- More, We want Day Four !!

Anonymous said...

Alice.. It is so cool hearing you describe how boring this trip must be. where is all your information coming from?
Can't believe I didn't come with you.

Anonymous said...

Mom says..Me too!!!

Anonymous said...

You are having too much fun in school!
Keep the stories coming!

Lady Lif said...

I agree this blog is fab!!! Adayinthelifeofalif is ashamed of herself.

Keep up the good work (blogging and guiding)... just goes to show you really can do anything and well even!!!

Alice said...

Thanks everyone! This is a great experience and I am so glad I didn't talk myself out of it. But part of the excitement of it is thinking about getting back to my hotel to tell all of you about my day and reading Chris's Blog!
Writing this blog is my way of taking all of you with me wherever I go.
Love you
Love, me

Anonymous said...

glad you enjoyed your day
and holy crap about having to pick up the car lol! great picture!!
you are going to be the best tour guide!!! well you are getting the blog job done sure does feel like we are right there with ya

Anonymous said...

By the way- Chris's blog is great too- but she must be too busy reading yours to post to hers !! Come on Chris- your life is definitely worth a read as well !! We want more Lifstuff....


Hey Al, the web page is great!!!
The highlight of my day is waking up and checking your blogs....oh, and watching MICHAEL-FRIGGIN-PHELPS
all night long!!!!!!!!!

I say "bomb" the "BOMB", they ain't seen the likes of you yet and you're just getting your groove on, wait til the hell you know what you are doing!!!

Pete said...

Alice, The same thing happend to me on bus in Italy, the first trip I made with mom and Nancy, I think it was in Roma, the bus driver could not make the turn due to an illegally parket car, a bunch of guys got out and picked up the car and moved it.