Monday, October 13, 2008

Wrapping it Up

Here is about half of my group on the beach in Hyannis, a short way from the JFK Memorial.
After that we went to Plymouth and Plimoth Plantation. They really enjoyed that and I really enjoyed watching and hearing them interact with the characters because they actually knew the places in England that were spoken about and there was certainly no language barrier.

We leave tomorrow at 9:00 AM to head for the Cliff Walk in Newport, Rhode Island and then just in case they have any money left, as a surprise finale to the trip I am taking them to the Foxwoods Casino in Connecticut.

Abbreviated blog tonight...have to finish up paperwork for this tour and pack and get ready to begin the next tour.


Anonymous said...

Great trip and hopefully many happy memories for your group- Heck- I enjoyed it and I'm not even there !

The Cliff Walk will be amazing- with those mansions and the view- they will LOVE that...and who doesn't enjoy a good way to get rid of the rest of their vacation money at Foxwoods ? There is a new part there- the MGM- small, but worth a quick visit.... Enjoy and hurry home- you have to get ready to go out again !!!

Alice said...

Thanks Kath..not coming home yet. I'm staying at a hotel at JFK because my tour starts tomorrow, so just enough time to reorganize my luggage and then back to the airport to meet group 2.

LaSal said...

Good thing you like keep BUSY, cause you're one popular tour director, cugina mia!!!

Anonymous said...

Alice.Wow!!!If I could be at the airport, would you pick me up? This is such a journey. Mom and I are following you all over. Can't decide what story is funnier. Have fun..It is a rough job, but someone has to do it, and none better than you. Hope no one walked to close to the cliff. Are you sure none of them have vertigo?

Lady Lif said...

You've done a fabulous job this week!!! Have you gotten any feedback? Do you still love it?

Alice said...

Feedback? salary for the week was exactly doubled by the gratuities. Also some very nice verbal feedback. And some new friends to boot!
Yes, I still love it, in spite of the exhaustion and the constant packing and repacking.
Off to meet group 2 at JFK.

Clara Jane said...


Your blog is fabulous and I know your tour must be even moreso! Wish I were there with you...what a great reward for all that we endured in SF...I take it Mrs. Farquar was a no show...hopefully she'll sit the next one out as well!

Anonymous said...

I don't know what to say... your enthusiasm is fantastic, and for people visiting a different country it is important for them to see your passion and love for what you do. You've done us Americans proud, and hopefully dispelled some of those nasty myths about New Yorkers too. :)

Anonymous said...

I agree with Amy, your enthusiasm alone speaks volumes about who you are and the love you have for your work! I'm envious of the whole group!