Friday, October 17, 2008

Group 2 Does NY

So again we surprised them with a whirlwind visit to Manhattan. They took pictures furiously, shopped intensly, and met a horse in the Big Apple. Better than a worm, I guess.
They also saw The Naked Cowboy....I was so proud of my country at that moment.

One guy in the group asked me where he could get peanut butter m&m's, he needed to bring them home for a friend. I told him I never knew of them but I was sure he meant Reese's Pieces.
So when I got off the bus I found a Duane Reade Drug store in Times Square, (not hard to do), and bought a bag of Reese's Pieces. When we got back on the bus I gave him the package, and he promptly showed me what he found...a bag of PEANUT BUTTER M&M's! Son-of-a-gun, you really DO learn something new everyday, don't you?!!

We traveled up the thruway to Vermont, and the colors in the Catskills and north were truly spectacular. No idea what Vermont looks like because, needless to say we arrived after dark, because of ridiculous traffic in NY City and beyond.


Anonymous said...

Great second first day ! Hope it all goes as well as last week, but of course, we need some fodder, so maybe just one or two VERY slight mishaps would keep us satisfied...

Have fun !

LaSal said...

Unbelievable. Colors, nakedness, pb m&ms, you just cover (or uncover, as the case may be) EVERYTHING!!!

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with Kathy, and I'm sorry I didn't think about the chocolate peanut butter angle earlier. Did you know that Brits don't tend to eat peanut butter and jelly? They don't even like fluffernutters? CRAZY!

Lady Lif said...

Is it possible... are the peanut butter m&ms as tasty as reeses????? I must know.

Alice said...

I don't know...the guy didn't offer to share them with me. I will have to buy my own.