Saturday, May 23, 2009


Today was Elvis, all Elvis all the time, totally Elvis, Elvis here, Elvis there, Elvis everywhere, Elvis to the max. We saw Elvis keychains, Elvis CD's, Elvis books, Elvis t-shirts, Elvis jewelry, Elvis museums, Elvis cars, Elvis clothes, Elvis movies, Elvis sweatshirts, Elvis pocketbooks, Elvis DVD's, Elvis planes, Elvis magnets, Elvis baby clothes, Elvis bookmarks, Elvis teddy bears, Elvis Radio, Elvis gravesite, Elvis house, Elvis living room, Elvis kitchen, Elvis awards, Elvis piano, Elvis couches, Elvis jumpsuits.
We spent 5 hours at Graceland and saw, heard and lived Elvis util I could not take another step in an Elvis giftshop or look at another Elvis trinket.
So then we went to the Peabody Hotel to watch the ducks march from the fountain in the lobby down the red carpet into the elevtor to return to their duck penthouse.
After that we went back to the hotel to freshen up so we could go back to Graceland to take more pictures of it at night!
The Elvis experience at Graceland was pretty remarkable, in fact it transcends the normal tourist attraction--it's more of an over-the-top memorial that will overdose and exhaust even the most ardent Elvis fan.


kathy said...

OD'ed on Elvis, huh ? Sounds like something you need to do at least once in your life tho. (or, in your case, maybe twice !)

Hope your UK visitors have lots of fun memories to bring back! Were there alot of Elvis fans ??

Chrissy Lif said...

My name is Forest Gump. People call me Forest Gump. :-)

kathy and honour said...

Did you see Elvis' Racquetball courts?

Alice said...

Actually, the picture on the right is in Elvis' raquetball's floor to ceiling gold records and awards all around.

Anonymous said...

I'm totally jealous! I have always wanted to visit Graceland!!

amy said...

Alice - all I can say is I'm glad you experienced Graceland with fans... try taking a 6 year old who could care less. Of course, I just turned up my audio tour so I couldn't hear her.