Wednesday, September 10, 2008

A Good Time Was Had by All: South Street Seaport & Lunch in Little Italy

I met my group of 48 at the pick-up stop in Plainview and we set out for our day in Manhattan. Our group was scheduled for early lunch at Sal Anthony's Restaurant on Mulberry Street in Little Italy. It was drizzling nicely when we left Plainview and by the time we got to the drop-off 4 blocks from the restaurant it was torrentially pouring. So with me leading my ducklings thru the rain and the puddles we marched with our umbrellas, canes and walkers to dry off and have a great lunch--salad, pasta, main course, desert and coffee. So far so good, no one lost, no one injured.
After lunch we made our way back to the bus, and headed for the South Street Seaport.
We had some free "shopping, strolling, ice-cream eating" time before our boat ride to see the Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island and the man-made waterfalls under the Brooklyn Bridge...
We saw all four of the falls created by Danish artist Olafur Eliasson. It is a temporary exhibit which will only be available for about another month.
After the boat ride we returned to the seaport for a little more "independent exploration" and "biological interludes". Then back on the bus for the trip home to Long Island.
All in all it was a good day, not too stressful, and a lot of fun with some adorable senior citizens.


Anonymous said...

What a great job! The picture of the waterfall under the bridge is astounding.

If your tour directing skills are even 1/4 as good as your blogging skills, your gonna knock their socks off! (or knock the tennis balls off the walker legs)

Anonymous said...

P.S. And they all certainly look thrilled to be on the tour. A really great job, cuz!

Anonymous said...

WONDERFUL! I feel like I was right there with you. Great job Mama Duckling!

Anonymous said...

"biological interludes" ? Is that the part where you had to measure their bladders ?

Lady Lif said...

The lady with the handkerchief on her head cracked me right up!!!!!