Friday, May 29, 2009

Counting the Days

One day on the bus I was talking about the schedule. I forgot what day it was, so I talked a little about when traveling we tend to lose track of the days. We don't know if we've been on the road for one day or 4 days...all the days run together, especially when it is a hectic schedule and a lot of activities. So I came up with a method for keeping track of what day it is, and I shared my method with the group. I told them if they ever don't remember how many days they have been traveling to just count the number of those little hotel shampoos, soaps or lotions they have. So every morning when we board the bus, I ask how many shampoos we have! It's Friday!


Chrissy Lif said...

Bring some home for me! I'm almost out.

kathy said...

lolol...Whatever works, huh ?

You have to make sure you take them each day tho- sometimes they won't leave another if there's an unopened one there. bastids.

I particularly like the hand lotions - fit in your purse, and small enough to get through in the airport....

With all the money you save on toiletries, you can take a trip !!