Sunday, October 19, 2008

Trouble in Paradise...resolved

Everything worked out fine. All the refugees were returned to this hotel for breakfast and they said they were treated very well, had a good dinner and they all got deluxe accomodations in this hotel for the remainder of our stay. Naturally I told them it was all at my insistence that they were compensated just so.
Mr. & Mrs. Roberts said their new room with the bed was more than satisfactory and the the whole episode was well worth the laughs they got out of it. Love them!
Tomorrow we are on to Plymouth, Plimoth Plantation and Hyannis. I can't believe the week is almost over. I have really grown attached to group 2.
I shot photos of each of them in David's (the driver) hat, that he wears when the sun is facing him. Everyone has commented about it so I thought it would be a good theme for the trip.


Anonymous said...

You rock ! Too bad you can't get a 'hat trick' with this company !
What a way to top off the week ! Enjoy the rest of it, and stay warm ......

Remember group # 1 ?????
I am sure they are still talking about you !

LaSal said...

Wow... watching history in the making is exciting. Kathy, you're right, G1 (group 1) will still be talking about it long after she's toured G100!

Watch, at some point a person from G1 or G5 with show up at G79 or G81 saying "remember me?". Better eat A LOT of blueberries, they protect memory!

You are such a creative problem solver, Alice, it's no wonder you're so widely loved!

Anonymous said...

I'm feeling a bit slow this morning... I was admiring the portraits, and didn't even notice they were all wearing the same hat! They all look smashing - an added bonus of having a professional photographer as your professional tourguide.

You've got the naked cowboy beat by a mile.

Lady Lif said...

LMAO!! They all look like spies in the hat!!