Saturday, August 23, 2008

Thirteenth Class...Please!...

...foot and mouth disease!
This morning started out with an interesting set of activities for me. I was up late last night preparing my Colorado itinerary and got up early this morning to start on my Morocco itinerary and commentary for the written and oral final on Sunday.
When I realized that so much time had passed that I had only about 20 minutes to get dressed and ready to leave at nine I started rushing around to get ready. I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth and decided that I had not enough time for a shower. So not wanting the maid to know that I didn't take a shower (she KNOWS who I am, I see her in the hall all the time!), I quickly ran the shower for a few minutes threw the towels and washclothes into the tub and opened the cabinet where I keep my toiletries and sundries and grabbed for my specialized GM Collin face cream that was especially selected for my unique skin type by my professional skin care specialist, only instead of that I grabbed my Kerasal foot lotion that was especially selected by me at CVS for my crusty achy feet, and proceeded to slather it all over my face. I actually smoothed it all over my face and neck before I realized the error of my ways.

It so freaked me out that I immediately jumped in the now steaming shower and did what I should have done at the start. At least now I wouldn't have to avoid eye contact with the maid should I meet her in the hall. I got out of the shower and dried myself with the already wet towels.

Now I was REALLY late so while rushing around straightening up the room (I always do that for the maid) I was putting away things from the kitchen counter while dressing at the same time. I put my deoderant in the refrigerator!

Well, I finally go out of the hotel, never did see the maid, and made my way down the hills to class. It was a full day of classroom note taking again but about 2 hours into it we get to take a quick "biological" break, as we call it in the business, but instead of that I made a beeline for the lobby of the hotel to get coffee which I didn't have time for before I left, one of my classmates, Mattie, caught up with me and said in her beautiful Arkansas accent, "Did you leave in a hurry this morning, darlin? Your shirt is on inside out!" So I took a detour to the ladies room and reversed my shirt and so had no time to get coffee. Some days you should just Stay in Bed!

So I apologize for my lack of inspirational or humorous blogging last night but I hope you get a feeling for the state of my stress level. Now, I am not complaining, this has been a most amazing, stimulating, and exciting experience but it has pushed me to the heights of my endurance, which I am sure is good preparation for Tour Directing.

Tomorrow night...Graduation!


Anonymous said...

this is the cutest blog I read so far. One thing for sure. If you don't graduate from this class with flying colors, never fear. I do believe you could write a book and become a popular author of funny things that happen to people.

Anonymous said...

Just think...this is what must have happened to the person that realized hemoroid cream works on swollen eyes! I think I would have started weeping at the point the lady told me my shirt was inside out....Hope tomorrow morning is better!

Anonymous said...

lololol.....could that day have gotten any worse ? Good thing she couldn't see your underwear - or maybe you didn't even have any on !!!

Too funny !!

Lots of luck on your final and graduation, go get a cup of coffee ...

Lady Lif said...

This post cracked my right up!! Redemption yours!!! And holy cow Annette what an interesting comment LOL!

Mom you are so there!! Graduation tomorrow! I can't believe it. How exciting. DId you get a job yet?

Anonymous said...

LOL!! I know I really shouldn't laugh..but I can't help it. Big hugs to you was definitely one of those days, huh?

Happy early graduation!! Now I'm always gonna keep an eye out for you as my tour guide!

Lady Lif said...

Jana you'd actually have to leave Indiana to go on one of her fly tours.

Anonymous said...

Crusty foot face cream!!?? LMFAO!

Anonymous said...

I know I'm a little late on replying to this one but -

OMfreakingG - you totally redeemed yourself from the piss poor post on the 12th day.

Well done!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations~!!! Who is better than you?