Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Had some...

... connection issues when we left Canada and returned to the US via the Champlain Islands ( in Northwestern Vermont. We were at the Apple Island Campground in South Hero for two nights. It was a very nice campground in a beautiful setting, the only problem was that I had no WiFi, although we are back on Long Island, this post will serve as the last post before the next post which will be posted when I go to Tuscany and London in September.
The weather was beautiful but very hot, so we relaxed at the campsite except for a two-hour walk we took looking for an orchard that someone told us was "just a little way down the rural road." I guess Vermonters idea of "just a little way" is different from my idea of it because we walked to exhaustion and heat stroke and never found an orchard. We did find some pretty things along the way though...

And this "mother and child reunion"...

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