Friday, June 5, 2009

Spend a Penny

While talking to a group of guests on the tour, one of the ladies was remembering an incident on one of her previous holidays. She was talking about something she had needed to do but she first had to go "spend a penny" before she could proceed. At this point I stopped her to ask what she meant by "spend a penny". She explained that many years ago, in order to use a public toilet in England, it was necessary to put a penny in a small box attached to the stall of the toilet. Thus, when Nature calls they say they have to "spend a penny".
And by the way, contrary to what you may be thinking, this anecdote did NOT come from Mrs."P"
I remember pay toilets in America but it was never a penny!


LaSal said...

Wasn't it a dime? Just think, if we had one of those boxes on our bathroom doors at night, the older we got, the richer we'd be....

kathy said...

It's funny how these little expressions get started- they are comical andmake no sense until you learn how they originated... Then, they make perfect sense ! 'scuse me, have to go spend a penny....

Anonymous said...

Here I sit broken hearted,
payed a dime and only farted,
yesterday I took a chance
and shit my pants.

I remember crawling under the stalls because I didn't have the change.

Andrew Spark said...


Glad to hear from you on the road.

I had some student tours this spring.


Anonymous said...

LOL! Very interesting!